Learn to use your inner strength and unlock your potential.

Welcome! My name is Benedikt Schmidt and I'm a psychologist and coach who specialises in helping people find the clarity, motivation, and inspiration to create a life that works well for them. My approach combines the innovative techniques of hypnosystemic and embodiment psychology to help you tap into your inner resources and overcome the obstacles in your way.

Whether you're feeling stuck or looking to connect more deeply with your body and emotions, I'm here to help.

Benedikt Schmidt

With an unerring eye for and on the resources of his counterpart, Benedikt manages to accompany and explore even difficult topics with great easeā€”and does so with a lot of empathy.

Dr Vera Popper

psychologist, organisational consultant

Grounded in Science: Innovative Techniques for Your Personal Growth

As a professional psychologist, I understand that conventional talk therapies and coaching, while often beneficial, may not always provide the results that my clients are looking for.

This is because blockages and pains often reside within the subconscious mind, and talking approaches that overlook the importance of the subconscious mind and the body's compass function are limited to addressing conscious thoughts and may not reach the necessary depths to address underlying issues.

That's why I offer an innovative psychological coaching approach that combines hypnosystemic, embodiment, and conversational techniques to help you access a deeper understanding of yourself and your issues.

I also understand that some people may be sceptical about hypnosis and embodiment. This can be due to questionable practitioners in the past and society's overall disregard for many things related to the body. If you would like to find out more about the scientific basis and the active mechanisms, feel free to ask me in the initial consultation.

My approach draws on the expertise of renowned hypnotherapist Dr Milton Erickson, as well as other experts such as psychosomatic specialist Dr Gunther Schmidt and Dr Vera Popper.

In that tradition, my sessions prioritise a collaborative and competence-focused dialogue. Unlike other hypnosis approaches that rely on formal trance induction techniques or hypnotic monologues, this approach empowers you to access your inner resources, develop new perspectives, and make positive, tangible changes in your life.

What clients say

Benedikt coaches in a very special way: heart-opening, loving, authentic and with a lot of calm. He creates a space in which one feels valued and accepted.

Violeta M.

Benedikt enables you to go deep inside yourself to find the answers there. For this, he relies mainly on the sensation of the body. I had two inner directions on a topic and was able to understand what each side wanted for me.

Baptiste Barennes

My Background

  • Self-employed as a hypnosystemic psychologist and coach with Follow The River since 2020
  • Collaboration in the research project 'Unraveling the Aesthetic Mind in Anhedonia' aimed at investigating the neural foundations of anhedonia using ketamine and aesthetic stimuli (Dr Julia Crone and Professor Rupert Lanzenberger, Medical University of Vienna and University of Vienna).
  • Training as a psychological coach (Ms Christine Hoffmann and Dr Vera Popper, Vienna)
  • Research work as a positive psychologist with Professor Ilona Boniwell (Positran, ƉpĆ“ne)
  • Psychological training in the areas of creativity management, strengths and time management, motivation, enthusiasm, job crafting, nudging, and positive leadership (Professor Ilona Boniwell, Paris)
  • Training as a seminar leader in stress management (Ms Silke Ludwig, Hanover)
  • MSc Applied Social Psychology at the Free University of Amsterdam
  • BSc Psychology at the University of Vienna and La Sapienza University, Rome (Additional areas of study: Theory U, incremental and radical innovation, Arabic culture and language)

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